Hooper Labs

GDB & Reversing Notes



git clone https://github.com/longld/peda.git ~/peda; echo "source ~/peda/peda.py" >> ~/.gdbinit

GDB Commands

b main

Break when the program enters main()

info functions

List functions within binary

x/50i <function>

lists the first 50 instructions of a function.

b *0x4006f3

create breakpoint at memory address




invokes ruby "pattern_create" module

Set Arguments

set args $(python -c 'print("\x41"*120')

Set Environment Variable

set env $(python -c 'print("\x41"*120')

View Core Dump in GDB

gdb -q -c core

Change from ATT to Intel Syntax

set disassembly-flavor intel

Dump Assembly Instructions of the function

diass <function>

Pause execution when the function given is reached

break <function>

Print contents of a Register and Other Variables

print $eip

Examine memory locations

x/<int>i <mem-address>; x/20i 0x8048248

Print Contents and State of Registers and Other Variables

info registers

Continue Execution after Breakpoint

c (or continue)

Step One Instruction


Create Break Point At Address

break *0x07048524

Run GDB with No Extensions

gdb --nex ./file

List all Functions

info func

Clear Out Arguments

set args

Run with Arguments

run AAAA

Examine Argument at EIP

x/i $eip

Read a String in Memory (at address at EAX)

x/s $eax

See Contents of a Single Register

info reg eax

See Call Stack / Function Backtrace (and see return addresses on the stackx)


Change assembly Syntax Used

set disassembly-flavor {intel,att}

List Breakpoints

info breakpoints

Delete a Breakpoints

del breakpoint

View 10 words in hex at a memory location

x/10wx 0xdeadbeef

Breakpoint on a Relative Memory location

break *main+39

Examine next 16 instructions

x/16i $eip

Custom Arguments

run python -c 'print("foobar")'

Custom Input

run <<(python -c 'print("AAAA")')

Turn on Core dumps

ulimit -c unlimited

Read memory addresses Surrounding ESP

x/40wx $esp-0x268

Find memory address of LibC function

print system

Set a Relative Breakpoint to a Function

break * functionname+60

Open a Shared Object (.so) File


Disassemble a File

objdump -d

Display Section Headers

objdump -h

Specify a Section

objdump -j <section name>

Display Dynamic Relocation Records (GOT addresses)

objdump -R



Find PEDA help

help peda

Find all references to a function

xrefs <funciton>

Create a unique shellcode pattern

pattern_create 300

Look for all JMPs or Calls


Convert hex to ASCII

print (char []) 0x24424142

Find offset of Buffer

pattern_offset BAB$


Calling a program with its shortened path vs full path changes the memory alignment of a program.

Turn ASLR On


Search Memory for a Strin

searchmem BBBBBBB
